Good Baby Names That Start With D Female

From Dabria to Dysthe and everything in between, hundreds of baby girl names starting with the letter D along with the meanings and origin of each proper name.
Infant Naming Tip – A first name that ends in a vowel flows less smoothly when matched up with a last name that starts with a vowel. Endeavor to utilise baby girl names that stop in a consonant if your last name begins with a vowel.

Nigh Popular Infant Girl Names Starting with D
Offset we'll start with the most popular baby daughter names from 2018. They were:
- Delilah
- Daisy
- Diana
- Daniela
- Dakota
- Delaney
- Destiny
- Daleyza
- Daniella
- Danielle
- Daphne
- Demi
- Dylan
- Dahlia
- Dayana
- Danna
- Dorothy
- Dream
- Dallas
- Davina

Delilah was the most popular baby girl proper noun starting with D in 2018. This should come as no surprise as Delilah has been the nearly common babe girl name starting with D equally far back as 2009. What a run!
Here's how the top 3 names take looked over the past decade:

Delilah wasn't just pop for D daughter names in 2018. Overall it was the number 94 most pop name among all babe daughter names in 2018. Here'due south how it looked when compared to all infant girls born in 2018.

While Delilah was a pop pick in 2018, you tin see it was but about 99% every bit popular a infant girl proper noun every bit Josephine. Just for fun, let's take a look at the well-nigh pop baby girl names outset with D throughout history.

Looking for other baby names?
But click the infant name letter or enter the thought you have into the search box beneath!
Now let'south expect into what girl'south names lost and gained popularity in 2018, once more only for names starting with D.

As you tin see, Dara jumped past 22 slots and Dixie was the smallest gainer in 2018, gaining only iv spots.
Unique Babe Girl Names Starting With D
While information technology'south fun to see what lots of other people are naming their babies, many people prefer to find baby names that are more uncommon. To that cease, beneath is the some of the more than unique baby daughter names starting with D.
- Danica
- Dixie
- Desiree
- Denver
- Dalia
- Denise
- Diamond
- Darcy
- Dara
- Devyn
- Dalilah
- Diya
- Darla
- Drew
- Dania
- Danika
- Daenerys
- Delia
- Dina
- Delanie
Overall, Danica was the 1008th virtually popular girl proper noun in 2018 with 256 babies. That means there were 12x more than Delilahs than Danicas last year. That makes it a very unique proper noun!
If you don't accept your name in listen however, don't worry! Beneath nosotros nowadays a list of literally every baby daughter proper name — including heart names — starting with D, the name's meaning and origin. Skilful luck and take a wonderful solar day.
Daba through Dallas
- DabaHebrew — kind words, bee swarm
- DabriaLatin — proper noun of an affections
- DaceyGaelic — The southerner. A boy or girl's name.
- DaciaGreek — A woman from Dacia, an ancient European country.
- DacioFrench — from arcy
- Dadeunknown
- DaeKorean — Greatness.
- DaffodilEnglish from Greek — The asphodel. A flower name.
- DagmarOld Norse — A maiden of the day, or glorious day.
- DagnaOld Norse — A new solar day.
- DagnyNorwegian — day, effulgence, new twenty-four hour period, Dane'due south joy
- DahliaEnglish — From the bloom, named after the Swedish botanist, Dahl.
- DaiWelsh/Japanese — Welsh: The beloved, the adored one. Japanese: Great. A boy or girl's proper name.
- DaisyOne-time English — The twenty-four hour period's centre. A bloom name. Too a nickname from Margaret.
- DakinDanish — Danish
- DakshaHindu
- DaleTeutonic/Old English — A valley dweller. A boy or girl'south name.
- Dalia — A branch, bough.
- DalilaSwahili — Gentle.
- DallasCeltic — Skilled, or from the field of water. Likewise a city in Texas. A boy or girl's name.
Damalis through Daphne
- DamalisGreek — 1 who gentles
- DamaraGreek — gentle girl
- DamarisGreek — Gentle. A New Testament name.
- DameGerman — lady
- DamianaGreek — Tame, domesticated. The feminine class of Damian/Damon.
- DaminiHindu — lightning
- DamitaCastilian — The little noble lady.
- DamoselOld English — A damsel, or immature unmarried woman.
- DanaOld English language/Czech — Old English: From Kingdom of denmark. Czech: God is my judge. A boy or girl'south name.
- DanaeGreek — The mother of Perseus in Greek mythology.
- Dani — My judge.
- DanicaSlavic — the morning star
- Daniela — God is my judge.
- DanielleHebrew — God is my gauge. The feminine course of Daniel.
- DanikaSlavonic — The morning star.
- Dannell
- Danniell — God is my gauge.
- DanuGaelic — The goddess of fruitfulness.
- DanutaPolish — A little deer. Besides see Dana.
- DaphneGreek — The laurel. In Greek mythology, the name of a nymph who was transformed into a Laurel tree.
Dara through Daya
- DaraIrish Gaelic/Hebrew — Irish: A son of oak. Hebrew: Compassion, wisdom. A boy or girl'south name.
- DaralisOld English — beloved
- Darayunknown — dark
- DarbyIrish gaelic/Centre English — Irish Gaelic: Free from envy. Centre English language: The deer settlement. A boy or girl's name.
- DarcieOld French — An old Norman family proper noun.
- DariaGreek — Wealthy. The feminine course of Darius.
- DarinkaSlowenian
- DarleneEnglish from Old French — The niggling darling, the beloved one. Too see Darrelle.
- DarraGaelic, Farsi — modest great one, riches
- DarrelleOld French — The dearest i. The feminine class of Darrell. As well come across Darlene.
- DarreneEnglish — The Great i. The feminine grade of Darren.
- DarriAboriginal — A rail.
- DashaGreek — gift of god
- DavanIrish — The beloved, the adored 1. Feminine form of David.
- Davida — The beloved, the adored one. Feminine form of David.
- DavinaHebrew — The dear one. The feminine form of David. Besides encounter Vida.
- DavineHebrew — the loved
- DawaTibetan/Sherpa — Born on a Monday. A boy or girl's name.
- DawnEnglish language — Daybreak, dawn.
- DayaHebrew — bird
Dayla through Deiene
- DaylaHebrew — to draw water, branch or bender
- Dayle — A valley dweller. A boy or girl's proper name.
- Deana — The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
- Deanna — The divine i. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Likewise feminine forms of Dean.
- Deanne — The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
- Debbie — The bee, an industrious woman.
- Debby — The bee, an industrious woman.
- DeborahHebrew — The bee, an industrious woman. A biblical name.
- Debra — The bee, an industrious woman.
- DechenTibetan/Sherpa — Health and happiness.
- DecimaLatin — The tenth.
- Dee — From the name Audrey, Deirdre, Delia, Diana. Audrey – Strong and noble, regal. Deirdre – Sorrow. Delia – A adult female from the island of Delos. Diana – The divine ane.
- DeenaHindu
- DeepaliHindu
- DeepikaHindu — a little light
- DeeptiHindu
- Deeta — The lost 1.
- DeianiraGreek — wife of heracles
- Deidra — Sorrowful, wanderer.
- DeieneBasque — religious holiday
Deion through Delwyn
- Deion
- Deiondre — Valley.
- DeirdreCeltic — Sorrow. The name of a grapheme from Irish legend.
- DejaFrench — before
- DelannaItalian — soft equally wool
- DelbinGreek — dolphin, flower proper noun
- Delcine — Sweetness.
- Delfina — Dolphin.
- DeliaGreek — A adult female from the island of Delos. Also another proper noun for Artemis, the Greek moon goddess. Also See Cordelia and Della.
- DeliciaLatin — Delight.
- Delila — Hair or poor.
- DelilahHebrew — The cute temptress. The lover of Samson in the Bible.
- DellEnglish — From the dell or hollow. A male child or girl'southward name.
- DellaEnglish language — A woman from the isle of Delos. Probably derived from Delia or Delilah and Ella. Also a diminutive of Adele and Adelaide.
- DelmaSpanish — Of the sea.
- DelphineLatin — A woman from Delphi or a flower proper name from delphinium.
- DeltaGreek — The fourth, as in fourth child.
- Delvene — A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
- Delvine — A adult female from Delphi or a flower proper name from delphinium.
- DelwynOld English language/Welsh — Quondam English language: A friend from the valley. Welsh: Bang-up and fair. A boy or girl'southward name.
Delyth through Deva
- DelythWelsh — Keen and pretty.
- DembeUgandan — peace
- DemelzaCornish — From a placename. The heroine of Winston Graham's Poldark novels.
- DemetriaGreek — From the goddess of fertility.
- DemiLatin — Half. Too run into Demetria.
- DenaOld English — From the valley. Feminine form of Dean.
- DeniseFrench from Greek — A lover of wine. The feminine form of Denis/Dennis.
- DepVietnamese — beautiful
- Derica — Beloved leader.
- DerrythWelsh — Of the Oak.
- DervlaIrish Gaelic — The girl of the poet.
- Desana — Longed for.
- DesdemonaGreek — Sick-fated. A Shakespearian graphic symbol murdered by her husband Othello.
- DesireeLatin — The desired one.
- DesmaGreek — A pledge.
- DespinaGreek
- DestaEthiopian — Happiness.
- DestineeFrench — destiny
- DestryFrench — state of war horse
- Deva — Celestial spirit.
Devaki through Diella
- DevakiHindu — blackness, female parent of Krishna
- DeviBreton/Sanskrit — Breton: The honey, the adored 1. Sanskrit: Godlike, a goddess. A boy or girl's name.
- DevikaSanskrit — A piffling goddess.
- DevnetSwedish — home of the Danes
- DevonaOnetime English — From the county of Devon.
- DevoraJewish — The bee, an industrious woman.
- DevorahJewish — The bee, an industrious woman.
- Devore — The bee, an industrious woman.
- DextraLatin — Skilful, dexterous. The feminine grade of Dexter.
- DharmistaHindu
- DiamantaFrench from Latin — Determined, similar a diamond.
- DianaLatin — The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
- DianeFrench — The divine one. .
- Dianne — The divine i. .
- DianthaGreek — A divine flower.
- Dianthe — Flower of the Gods.
- DiarriaGreek — Didi
- DidoGreek — The name of a queen of Carthage.
- DidrikaTeutonic — The people's ruler.
- DiellaLatin — worships god
Dierdre through Dixie
- DierdreCeltic — young girl, 1 who rages, broken-hearted
- DietlindeGerman
- Dieuwertjeunknown
- DikiTibetan/Sherpa — Healthy and wealthy.
- DikranouhiArmenian — queen
- DilekTurkish
- DillianLatin — worshipped i
- DilysWelsh — True, steadfast.
- DimityGreek — From the cotton material.
- DinaIrish Gaelic — From the proper name Dean. Latin: A soldier. Tuetonic: Merciful.
- DinahHebrew — Judgment. A biblical proper name.
- DioneGreek — A lover of wine. From Dionysus, the mythological God of wine and drama. A boy or daughter'southward name.
- Dionne — The divine 1. .
- DionyzaLatin — From Shakespeare'south play Pericles.
- DirranStandard arabic
- DisaGreek — Double.
- Dita — The lost i.
- DivaLatin — A goddess.
- DivyaHindu — heavenly, brilliant
- DixieFrench — The tenth. Also a daughter from the American s.
Dobrila through Dora
- DobrilaSlavonic — Kind, good.
- DodieHebrew — Love. Also see Dorothy.
- Doeunknown — Dee Dee, Didi
- DohnaTibetan/Sherpa — A female deity.
- DolkarTibetan/Sherpa — The name of a Buddhist Goddess.
- Dollie — The gift of God. Also encounter Dora and Theodora.
- Dolly — The souvenir of God. Likewise see Dora and Theodora.
- DoloresSpanish — Sorrow. Derived from the vii sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
- DomingaCastilian — Sunday
- Commonwealth of dominicaLatin — Belonging to the lord. The feminine course of Dominic.
- Dominique — Of God.
- DonaldaScottish Gaelic — The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
- DonataLatin — Given by God, a souvenir.
- Doneen
- Donella — The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
- Donelle — The ruler of the earth. The feminine form of Donald.
- DonlaIrish gaelic — The brown lady.
- DonnaItalian — A lady. A curt grade of Madonna.
- DooriyaEnglish — the sea
- DoraGreek — A gift. Originally a short form of Dorothy and Theodora, but at present also used equally an independent proper name.
Dorcas through Drusilla
- DorcasGreek — A gazelle, a doe. Also see Tabitha.
- DoreFrench — Golden.
- Doreen — A gift. Originally a brusk grade of Dorothy and Theodora, only now besides used as an contained name.
- DoriaGreek — identify proper noun
- DorindaGreek — gift of god, beautiful one
- DorisGreek — A woman from Doria, or from the ocean. A Greek goddess of the ocean.
- DorotaGreek, Castilian — God'due south gift
- DorotheaDutch — The gift of God. Also run into Dora and Theodora.
- DorothyGreek — The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
- Dot — The gift of God. Also encounter Dora and Theodora.
- Dotty — The souvenir of God. Besides see Dora and Theodora.
- DouceFrench — Gentle, sweetness.
- DovaTeutonic — Peace, a dove.
- DreamaGreek — joyous music
- DrewCeltic — Courageous. A male child or daughter'south name.
- DrinaSpanish — helper and defender of mankind
- DrisanaHindu — girl of the sunday
- DristiHindu — sight, a form of the Devi
- DruellaTeutonic — An elfin vision.
- DrusillaLatin — From an old Roman family proper name.
Druti through Dysthe
- DrutiHindu
- DuanaIrish Gaelic — A footling night maiden.
- DuenaCastilian — A chaperone.
- Dulce — Sweet.
- Dulcea — Sweet.
- DulcieLatin — Sugariness.
- Dulcina — Rose.
- Dulcinea — Sweet.
- DurgaSanskrit — Unattainable. A mythological Hindu goddess.
- DusanaCzech — A spirit, a soul.
- Dusty — Warrior. Feminine course of Dustin.
- Dyan — The divine i. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
- Dyana — The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
- DyaniNative American — A deer.
- Dyanne — The divine ane. .
- DymphnaIrish Gaelic — A fawn.
- DynaGreek — Powerful. Also see Dinah.
- DysisGreek — sunset
- DystheGreek
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